Sparklets in the heart

Do you ever feel sparklets and a gentle joy in your heart? Is it spontaneous or created by you through an activity or an event? Is there anything you can do to make it grow? Sometimes this sense of being is not easy to create or feel. Sometimes for quite a long time. But it’s always important not to give up, to keep it in mind, to tickle it, to feed it, and even though it sometimes doesn’t show up for many months, to think of it with love and leave the door open for it.

Because that feeling is your dancing soul rejoicing that it has the freedom to express itself, that it can create, that it can spread its wings. It is like an awakening into Life. It is a feeling of meaningfulness, of fulfillment, of lightness, of playfulness, of creativity. It takes us further and higher, where we will feel even better.

We don’t have to work hard for it, just give it space. Just trust that it exists. And follow the delicate threads that lead us to it like a spider’s web. We have to be receptive and open our eyes to something we don’t know yet. To focus on the feeling, and relax our tense minds, free ourselves from the trails. We have to like ourselves, or try to do so. We have to do what’s good for us. We have to feed those sparklets.

Music helps me do that on some level. It can take me from zero to a hundred and make me dance, inspire, teleport. That’s enough to get me started.

Then it’s important for me to keep moving. Giving myself space every day to move, to stretch, to have the discipline to not stay comfortable and stagnant.

I can’t stay in a routine for very long, even though it feels good. I tend to linger there sleepily. But it destroys my creativity. It’s very important to create, or to do habitual activities consciously, in a different way, or with a different attitude.

But what brings me the most beautiful sense of fulfillment and joy is a sense of oneness. When my heart suddenly opens in love, gratitude, gentle joy and colorful vision that I help to anchor into the Earth. I thought it would come in a completely different way. Something special, individual. But no. The sparklets came subtly, lovingly, as I thought of the people in my life. Of my soul family, with whom I co-create something beautiful that feeds our hearts, that gives us purpose, where our souls are free to fly and do what they incarnated here to do. It’s not about my uniqueness, brilliance and strength, but about resonance with each other, aligning and dancing in harmony that we grow into together. It’s about expanding into new dimensions, finding new possibilities, discovering ourselves and losing ourselves in the unity. It’s about gratitude, acceptance, understanding, non-attachment, and at the same time about the most beautiful wishes.

If you wish for something more, to meet your soulmates, to grow, to live your talents and your full potential, make a clear wish. Tell it to the Universe, be clear about what you want. And follow every little sparklet. Everything will lead you to the right space-time.

„Thank you, God, for all the blessings and gifts, I receive them with joy.“

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