

In the offer are weekend-, one day or evening seminars – the subjects are different disciplines of the ancient indian knowledge from palm leaves taught by Swami Kaleshwar (* 8.1.1973 – † 15.3.2012) (more information on – techniques for the spiritual development, for self-healing and healing others, for connecting to the high divine energy, for purifying the soul from karmas, for healing and releasing our blocks (big ego, anger, self-justifying, fear, self-doubts, jealousy..), for handling different forms of negativity, for understanding od illusion of the Nature (Mother Divine), illusion of time, for understanding and accepting our own power and for conscious creating our lives and our world. Swami Kaleshwar´s mission was to create from his students enlightened masters and powerful divine souls which can communicate with their heart, soul, Nature and God and which can consciously create and heal with the divine energy. These techniques and processes lead to deep purification, knowing the Self, healing, high clarity and opening our spiritual abilities.



The whole Creation and we ourselves are made of five elements. Elements of the nature are affecting us markedly and we can learn how to work with them and balance them in ourselves. A human being can in the master stadium even learn to command on them  – in the body and also as the energy of elements in the nature – one becomes a siddha – a supernatural saint (viz stories of avatars as Jesus or Sai Shirdi Baba).

With the Five element process we charge our soul and body with high vibrations (mantras) connected with each element, we open the channels to the powers of the Creation and purify and heal ourselves deeply.

This process is fundamental from the teachings of Swami Kaleshwar and is recommended to charge as the first one – it´s for deep purification of the soul, for balancing our energy and gaining primar stability before approaching next processes.

Benefits of the process:

  • it opens the heart
  • we gain high clarity of the mind
  • it creates high positive protective circles
  • it develops strong willpower and concentration
  • meditation becomes easier and deeper (our mind is getting naturally calm)
  • for self-healing
  • for decharging the negative energy (stress, tension, physical symptoms)
  • develops communication with angels and astral world
  • we can heal others on the body, heart, mind and soul level, send distance healings



The holy womb process is a very practical system for life. It enables us to purify the womb chakra – we all came from mother´s womb and we all have the womb chakra, women and men. These techniques show us how we can positively use the energy of creation which manifests through the womb chakra.

There´s hidden the essence of our soul in the womb chakra. Our spiritual abilities and clarity of consciousness depend on a purity and strenght of the womb chakra. The womb chakra gets disturbed and it´s energy gets low with increasing number of our sexual partners (from all lifetimes). We are connected through this chakra with all partners energetically, karmically and on the soul level which influences us. Here are also stored all our karmas. To purify and strenghten our womb chakra is a huge help for our life and important for spiritual growth. It is recommended also for people after a traumatic sexual experience.

A part of the seminar is a big chapter about mothers and children. Mother is the biggest healer in the world for her child. When she is carrying the baby in her womb, she can help it with these techniques to strenghten it´s soul, burn it´s karmas and create a powerful protection for it´s soul.

Benefits of the process:

  • deep purification of the womb chakra
  • cutting off all bonds with previous partners
  • healing heartbreak
  • healing diseases caused by a heartbreak in the partnership
  • getting a high clarity of mind (consciousness)
  • getting a control over kama energy and it´s disturbing influence on our womb and soul
  • gaining „a 6th sense“ for recognizing a soulmate
  • strenghtening the baby´s soul and burning it´s karmas (for pregnant mothers)