My E.T. story II.

Over time, my desire for “seeing” and understanding was spreading to another levels – I longed to find out where I came from, what resided hidden in me (initially I wanted to acknowledge only the divine :-D), what energy and abilities my soul carries, I wanted to remember the true essence of my being. I felt more like a cosmic being than an earthling. Over the next few years, I worked intensively to eradicate (sometimes even literally exorcize :-D) the victim program in me and discover the aspects that were feeding it. I recognized with a surprise my negative and limiting patterns of thinking, the tendency to give up, my prejudices, judging others, and many other programs. It all brought me ever more to the idea of ​​unity, which I could not fully grasp yet, the unification of duality within myself, the acceptance of “the negative” or lower patterns of behavior and my weaknesses, the desire to be more forgiving, not judgmental of anything and to expand my ability of compassion. I have to say that it´s not easy for me, but I bravely continue to conquer them. 🙂

I understood that my enthusiasm about E.T. neighbors is closely linked to my process of awakening, healing, acceptance, integration and understanding. I took the detour (over other planets), and I´ve got a lot of help for my understanding from posts from Vashta Narada and Lyssa Royal Holt. Through reading the channeled information about the peoples of other planets, their awakening and mastery process, their history, their difficulties and their tasks, and through feeling their energies, I slowly started to recognize myself in their stories, my own hardships, obstacles and tasks. From Vashta’s energy images, I could easier recognize their energy footprint, and several times I found myself amazed that I knew some of those beings. The more I got rid of fear and judgment, the more I was able to look at the polarity and duality as an impartial observer. Vashta’s work has been a crucial breakthrough for me in “accepting negativity” and changing the point of view. Actually, it was about accepting my life on Earth and all its faces. I have experienced how the change of perspective is changing the whole reality. It dissipated much of my inner resistance that I could not move with before.

I understood that “they” are guiding me to myself, that they are showing me through themselves who I am. They are healing and activating me.

Lyssa Royal Holt – The Prism of Lyra

I had a period of several years when I felt a great desire and the need to know my name. Like the name of my soul, my fingerprint, true vibration. I was fixed on the idea that it must be a name. I tried to receive it in a meditation, but it did not work back then because of my dominating mind which held me in tension and expectation.

At some point, I left my comfort zone and fundamentally changed my life, and my process quickly accelerated. I stood in the temple in front of the statue of my master Shirdi Sai Baba one evening, and I asked from the heart, “Please, tell me my name, I want to know it, I want to know myself completely, please tell me.” I had a widely open heart on fire and stood before him without an ego, without barriers, just wanting to know the truth. And suddenly I heard my name clearly in my head. And then another one. 🙂 I discovered step by step that both names belong to one Sirian being, my guide, who is my future self, respectively I have connected myself with myself in a different reality and dimension. I was asking her for healing and help when I needed energy support in my process because I had an emotionally challenging times. I seemed to slowly integrate her energy into my system because I no longer feel her. When I call her, I only feel stronger my own energy and sparkling inside my body.

I had another experience again in the Baba Temple, when I asked for my name. I feel connected with the beings of a certain race, and I wanted to know if my soul exists on their plane and how it is named in the incarnation. And the name came to me almost immediately, easily. When I connected with this being, I felt just falling into deep silence, infinity and peace. There were no desires or questions, just consciousness and deep peace. I felt like I wanted to feel this way all the time, living this state in this life. It is my / our natural state of being. It’s a literally a superhuman goal, but I’m working on it. 🙂

As I became more receptive to different energies and able to distinguish them better, I began to notice that suddenly I was beginning to feel new energy in my energy field. I found out that my guides from different dimensions are visiting me at some level, and want to show me another aspect of myself, my blind spots, the past I have to let go off, the patterns I need to change. When I noticed that they wanted to work with me, and I opened up to communication with them, I noticed a clearer extrasensory perception. It’s easier to get the information. All the spiritual purification work, which was quite unpleasant before, began to be faster, easier. I was very pleased that raising of vibrations is really leading somewhere. 😀

I´m being contacted by beings which I have very strong connection with or which are my counterparts in higher dimensions. Recognizing them produces a strong reaction and activation in all bodies (physical and light) as well as vivid communication in waking state and asleep; it’s an unmistakable recognition. When I integrate this energy and learn what I have to learn, I usually no longer feel them, and there is no emotional response.

Lyssa Royal Holt – Galactic heritage cards

The key to the communication with the spiritual guides and my other incarnations was to let go off fear and openness – to the Universe, to God, to the other beings; as well as self-confidence and trusting my intuition, and getting my power in my own hands.

When I managed to get rid of fear, the communication on many levels opened, my intuition increased. When we get rid of the fear of the unknown, of other people, we solve so many problems… It opens up a completely different world, much better, with beautiful solutions, visions for society, for improvement, for development, for healing, for abundance. We will change our perception of the world, our motives, our responses, our lifestyle and our opinions. I really see the solution of all the problems of our society in the shift and opening of our consciousness. It is not impossible, it is necessary! We need to make a big leap towards unity, to integrate our internal polarity, which will facilitate our external unification, and this will allow galactic unification. 🙂 Until we won´t make it here on Earth, we will not reach the stars (I paraphrase what I read somewhere, I love this idea).

But I have the greatest confidence in our common process of ascension, I observe with joy and enthusiasm all those positive changes, I dance and celebrate, I learn to manifest more powerfully the life I want to live here. And I thank you
from my heart, to all of you who help me in this and inspire me. <3

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