From the therapy: Challenging transformation? How to resolve unpleasant symptoms?

Last time I worked with a client who was going through a profound transformation in his life on all levels. His great talent is his surrender to the Divine and trust in the process. Through this mechanism he becomes a channel for high energy that transforms him on all levels, and his body loses control of the physical processes. These states are often difficult and unpleasant and carry with them many symptoms.

During all the healings so far I have perceived only his divine essence and wonderful high angelic energy, and no “problem”, resistance or old issues. In my last treatment I asked what would help him the most so that he would not suffer so much physically, what would bring him relief?

The answer was beautiful. The client carries the weight of this material world and the worries of the lower 3D on his shoulders, and he identifies with them too much, takes them too seriously. Yet his essence is angelic, subtle, Arcturian, unicorn-like. By identifying with material problems and worries, a great conflict arises in his system, which burdens him and creates many physical symptoms. He is being advised to reconnect with his divine essence and true energy every day, to keep it as the main reality in the foreground, to embody and consciously carry this energy within himself. In this way he will create his earthly reality from the highest dimensions, not from the 3D mind. This will help him to raise the vibration of his body, to raise his consciousness – to get a higher perspective, and to use his soul energy much more for manifestation. It will bring him much more into his power.

I found this answer very important for every person. To focus on one’s own divinity, to be aware of it, to create only with it, to live consciously one’s divine essence. Not to be so intensely concerned with external illusions. To act from one’s center, not to react impulsively with emotions.

This will also help us get out of blocks such as feelings of inferiority, limited thought patterns and structures. It’s more or less moving from one reality to a higher reality where the problem doesn’t exist, and from where we can easily solve it in the lower reality.

Let’s take a deep breath, feel ourselves, our purest essence, our light, our love, our inner silence, let’s immerse ourselves and rest in our Divinity from the outer chaos, and let’s bring this divine energy to the surface, with inner peace, self-confidence, love and intention to consciously create Heaven on Earth.

What do you really wish for? What kind of world do you want to live in? What would make you happiest? What would fill you with ease, joy and enthusiasm? Soak in your own divine essence, bathe in it, and when you feel the rainbow sparks of joy and your beautiful visions, sprinkle them on the world around you. New doors will open for you, the right people will recognize you, you will see more and more miracles in your life. Living your essence is very contagious and attractive. It will make us all very happy.