
Sri Kaleshwar said, “Jesus is the man of huge love; that love is incredible. With your heart just if you start to make a flame, the love flame––that flame, taking it day-by-day, day-by-day––is getting bigger, huge. When it starts to get huge, you can command on Jesus very, very easily. You can’t command on Jesus with your willpower, like dominating, you can’t do anything like that. Through only the love, you have to pull him. No mantras, no yantras, nothing will work in front of him. Only with your open heart and love, you have to pull him, “Please, please.”

Jesus, even though he was dying, he had incredible powers in his hands. I can say he’s a God. But he never said he was a God. He could do wonders. He never used his powers for himself. He was always thinking for others, “How can I help him? What can I help him with?” He never cursed anybody from his mouth, even if somebody was screaming on him, just simply his answer was––smiling. Simply loving them, simply accepting whatever energy they were throwing on him.”

“Jesus knew the God power. That same God gave tests. But Jesus did not command on God. Jesus wasn’t angry with the people. He never used his power for selfishness. Simply his heart was open and smiling and accepting. That is why he became the highest, most powerful master in the universe. No master sacrificed and surrendered the way Jesus did. Jesus came to India. When he was in a very early age, he came to India to research on God. He traveled almost all India. Studied means he had conversations with many, many different saints in India. Finally, he got power in India.”

Copied from

“Love each other as I have loved you.”

– Jesus

Shirdi Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba is one of the most famous indian saints of our times. He was an incarnation of Shiva, and his soul and power are being compared to Jesus. He was a true avatar, a powerful yogi with the highest supernatural abilities.

He was born to hindu parents, but later adopted by a muslim couple.

Baba was brought still as a small child to his master Venkusa. He raised him, trained him, opened his channels, helped him to his enlightenment. Then he sent Baba to Shirdi.

Baba was a big man with huge heart and love for all beings. He lived like a beggar all his life, refusing to take any money for himself, being aware of the volatility of Illusion. He was sitting and meditating under a big neem tree, feeding stray animals and healing people who came to him. He performed many miracles and healings, and slowly he got a trust and respect of people of Shirdi.

Baba was an embodiment of love, trying to make peace between the religions, saying All gods are one. There is no difference between a Hindu and a Muslim. Mosque and temple are the same. He was giving to the poor everything he got, never keeping any money for himself. He was helping to anybody who came for help. He worked day and night with the souls through fire in his dhuni, where he meditated, sending healings, burning karmas.

His popularity is still growing, Baba has devotees from all religions and miracles are still happening through his murtis and heartful prayers of his devotees. He is like a grandfather to all people, lovingly helping and smiling.


“Why fear when I am here.”

– Shirdi Sai Baba

Sri Sai Kaleshwar Swami

Swami Kaleshwar was an indian saint living in a small village Penukonda in Andhra Pradesh. Part of his mission was to build an ashram on this holy land under a powerful mountain Penukonda, where are many hidden old temples and samadhis of sadhus and saints. So he did. He created a small paradise und built the Shiva Sai Mandir.

His master was Shirdi Sai Baba who guided him since he was 14 years old. He was woken up to his mission, later discovered sacred ancient teachings of palm leaf books and started to practise, test them and implement them. Very soon he was known for his healing and supernatural abilities and people were coming to him for help.

He travelled to West and got many western students from many countries. He wanted the sacred knowledge of palm leaf books to be shared with the world, that everybody has the spiritual medicine how to heal themselves, how to raise consciousness, how to work with negativity of the world, how to live in harmony with the nature in peace and happiness. But his big wish was to create masters from his students. He didn´t want to be followed, he wanted empower people to their true potential that they can help other people to break out from the Illusion.

All this was foretold four hundred years ago in Kalajnana chronicle written by saint Virabrahmhendra.

Swami Kaleshwar was unique, most powerful and loving soul, taking care of many people. Building hospitals, supplying villages with drinking water, creating organic farms, building new roads, donating wheelchairs to disabled people, giving food… He´s done huge work during his short life. He dedicated all his life to the mission. To transform spirituality on this planet and to help people.

I´m eternally grateful that I could live in the ashram in his presence for some time and to start my transformational journey with his blessings, protection and guidance.


Heartfully it’s my huge mission, ambition and aim to create huge success in each soul. That’s it. I’m happy to work day and night, night and day whatever the energy will access to make it done. I’m happy to do it. I’m happy to face any type of pain, whatever the extent of pain. I already offered Mother Divine, ‘Use me in whatever way you want. Make my students successful.’ The number one priority is to who really has an open heart.

– Sri Sai Kaleshwar Swami



I need to express my deep gratitude, joy and appreciation to my masters, which guide me through my life and who help me to become my-true-self, to heal, to rise. For western mind it´s not easily understandable why to have or want a master, teacher, guru, as we don´t live in such a devotional way as people of India. I will write more about it in my blog, what is my approach and experiences. It´s truly mindblowing. 🙂