Back to yourself

Have you ever wondered why your mind is so restless, you can’t focus, you can’t keep your attention, your eyesight is getting worse, you have trouble sleeping, and you feel like your energy is leaking out through all your pores and you don’t have it in your hands?

Maybe you’ve gotten caught up in a whirlwind of events – work, obligations, scheduled events, and necessities – but they don’t feel good, they don’t align with your natural rhythm. Finding your natural rhythm and pace can sometimes be very tricky. The mind analyzes and advises us on how we should live, how it is most practical, how it is expected of us, but at the same time we may have become so far away from ourselves and our true nature during our studies and life that we don’t know how to get back to ourselves later on.

How do you feel now? What would you like to eat to make your body feel good? What would you like to do on your day off right now? Just sit on the patio and read, clean your house beautifully, or go for a brisk walk in nature… Or do you like to be around people and would you rather sit in a square, people-watching and chatting with passers-by?

photo: © Zuzana Červenková, Take the beauty in

If you’re in a transformation process, everything in your life is changing rapidly and you’re losing control, it’s very healing and I would say quite essential to regularly come back to yourself, your body and your heart, take your time, slow down, ease up on the intensity, and settle in. Sometimes it can be hard to do when the hamster wheel is spinning too fast, but it won’t slow down by itself, we have to do that ourselves. 

As soon as you notice that you are no longer relaxed and start to feel stressed, slow down. Take a break. Maybe go outside for five minutes and breathe. Sing out loud, shout, run up and down the stairs, do a few squats and lunges – ground yourself, wash your face with cold water, pick up a decharging stone. Whatever helps you get rid of the tension. It’ll help you get back to yourself. Try to feel your heart, your softness, your emotions, your inner impulses in every moment. Always follow your impulses. It’s your intuition telling you what’s best for you. You are always the priority in your life. Take time for yourself, don’t apologize for it. If we take our needs, impulses and desires seriously, others will take them seriously as well and support us in being well. It helps us blossom into our true radiance and power. We can choose in any moment to relax, to expand, to breathe deeply. To not stagnate in a hamster wheel. 

photo: © Zuzana Červenková, Lake Zen

Enjoy this beautiful process of re-discovering yourself. Take your time, nurture yourself, make yourself happy every day. Invest in yourself. Enjoy it wholeheartedly. 🙂

Sparklets in the heart

Do you ever feel sparklets and a gentle joy in your heart? Is it spontaneous or created by you through an activity or an event? Is there anything you can do to make it grow? Sometimes this sense of being is not easy to create or feel. Sometimes for quite a long time. But it’s always important not to give up, to keep it in mind, to tickle it, to feed it, and even though it sometimes doesn’t show up for many months, to think of it with love and leave the door open for it.

Because that feeling is your dancing soul rejoicing that it has the freedom to express itself, that it can create, that it can spread its wings. It is like an awakening into Life. It is a feeling of meaningfulness, of fulfillment, of lightness, of playfulness, of creativity. It takes us further and higher, where we will feel even better.

We don’t have to work hard for it, just give it space. Just trust that it exists. And follow the delicate threads that lead us to it like a spider’s web. We have to be receptive and open our eyes to something we don’t know yet. To focus on the feeling, and relax our tense minds, free ourselves from the trails. We have to like ourselves, or try to do so. We have to do what’s good for us. We have to feed those sparklets.

Music helps me do that on some level. It can take me from zero to a hundred and make me dance, inspire, teleport. That’s enough to get me started.

Then it’s important for me to keep moving. Giving myself space every day to move, to stretch, to have the discipline to not stay comfortable and stagnant.

I can’t stay in a routine for very long, even though it feels good. I tend to linger there sleepily. But it destroys my creativity. It’s very important to create, or to do habitual activities consciously, in a different way, or with a different attitude.

But what brings me the most beautiful sense of fulfillment and joy is a sense of oneness. When my heart suddenly opens in love, gratitude, gentle joy and colorful vision that I help to anchor into the Earth. I thought it would come in a completely different way. Something special, individual. But no. The sparklets came subtly, lovingly, as I thought of the people in my life. Of my soul family, with whom I co-create something beautiful that feeds our hearts, that gives us purpose, where our souls are free to fly and do what they incarnated here to do. It’s not about my uniqueness, brilliance and strength, but about resonance with each other, aligning and dancing in harmony that we grow into together. It’s about expanding into new dimensions, finding new possibilities, discovering ourselves and losing ourselves in the unity. It’s about gratitude, acceptance, understanding, non-attachment, and at the same time about the most beautiful wishes.

If you wish for something more, to meet your soulmates, to grow, to live your talents and your full potential, make a clear wish. Tell it to the Universe, be clear about what you want. And follow every little sparklet. Everything will lead you to the right space-time.

„Thank you, God, for all the blessings and gifts, I receive them with joy.“

Indian summer and equinox

Sometimes I argue with myself about what my favourite season is. I love Indian summer. The warm golden light, the intense colours of nature, the refreshing fresh air, the warm sunshine, that magical mysterious feeling of something new coming that is soothing and exciting at the same time.

After a busy, touristy, hot summer comes a calmness and inwardness, much like Christmas.  That’s what I love most about Indian summer, along with the golden splendour. It’s a magical time when I am stronger myself. I like to be active, but alone in myself, in contemplation, in my visions and the flow of energy.

This calmness opens many doors, inward. It’s a completely different way of perceiving and is connected to this time of year. It is very fulfilling. I soak it up with all my senses into my inner batteries.

Enjoy this beautiful equinox time and soak in and create as much peace, beauty, divine energy and consciousness as you can. You can beautifully utilize these gifts that the Universe offers you each year.

Your connection

Connection with the Divine is such a personal affair. Personal and impersonal at the same time. Beyond our human self. To discover this channel and cultivating it it´s the biggest blessing. To feel the small flame inside of yourself, the purity, inspiration, guidance, the pristine sacred place in your soul. Once you sense it and let it grow, it transforms your whole life. It sheds the layers of the illusion, all of that, which is not you. It shows you thousands of mirrors, and the last one in the middle shows you this incredible reflection of the most beautiful touching light, which is so personal and impersonal at the same time. Which is you without the ego. Just pure, living, loving, blessing, nourishing light, which spreads throughout the creation and moves in a dance of oneness. Which touches everything and creates more and more love and light. To see, feel and experience other souls on this level is one of the most beautiful feelings and joys for a human being. It´s a divine feeling of a pure existence.

Guidance through cards

On vacation I allowed myself to delve deeply into myself, my feelings, processes and being. The period around the last full moon in Pisces beautifully supported that journey into myself, self-awareness, daydreaming and inner stillness. I really enjoyed the holiday because of this energy.

I used different tarot cards every day, which were a wonderful tool for self-healing. The messages of the cards helped me to gain more clarity, sort my intuition, better manage my mind, connect to the Divine, and helped me understand my new direction, which my mind tended to question all the time.

Sometimes it’s not easy to have clarity when everything in you is constantly changing. The cards are really a beautiful tool for understanding inner (and outer) whirlwinds. I’m a visual person, and beauty and aesthetics are important to me – it lifts my spirits. That’s why I wholeheartedly appreciate how many of the cards are crafted and illustrated. One gets a lot of information and energy through the image that complements and transcends the words of the message.

It is also easier to connect to the divine energies through the cards. A set of cards is like a street food stall where you can taste what you like. Even things you’ve never tasted before. This helps one practice being in the higher energies and get out of the old rut. Cards appeal to multiple senses and can take us out of the clutches of our ego’s comfort zone.

I simply wanted to share with you now my enthusiasm for working with cards. 🙂 I will be very happy to use them in my sessions when the time comes.

From the therapy: Challenging transformation? How to resolve unpleasant symptoms?

Last time I worked with a client who was going through a profound transformation in his life on all levels. His great talent is his surrender to the Divine and trust in the process. Through this mechanism he becomes a channel for high energy that transforms him on all levels, and his body loses control of the physical processes. These states are often difficult and unpleasant and carry with them many symptoms.

During all the healings so far I have perceived only his divine essence and wonderful high angelic energy, and no “problem”, resistance or old issues. In my last treatment I asked what would help him the most so that he would not suffer so much physically, what would bring him relief?

The answer was beautiful. The client carries the weight of this material world and the worries of the lower 3D on his shoulders, and he identifies with them too much, takes them too seriously. Yet his essence is angelic, subtle, Arcturian, unicorn-like. By identifying with material problems and worries, a great conflict arises in his system, which burdens him and creates many physical symptoms. He is being advised to reconnect with his divine essence and true energy every day, to keep it as the main reality in the foreground, to embody and consciously carry this energy within himself. In this way he will create his earthly reality from the highest dimensions, not from the 3D mind. This will help him to raise the vibration of his body, to raise his consciousness – to get a higher perspective, and to use his soul energy much more for manifestation. It will bring him much more into his power.

I found this answer very important for every person. To focus on one’s own divinity, to be aware of it, to create only with it, to live consciously one’s divine essence. Not to be so intensely concerned with external illusions. To act from one’s center, not to react impulsively with emotions.

This will also help us get out of blocks such as feelings of inferiority, limited thought patterns and structures. It’s more or less moving from one reality to a higher reality where the problem doesn’t exist, and from where we can easily solve it in the lower reality.

Let’s take a deep breath, feel ourselves, our purest essence, our light, our love, our inner silence, let’s immerse ourselves and rest in our Divinity from the outer chaos, and let’s bring this divine energy to the surface, with inner peace, self-confidence, love and intention to consciously create Heaven on Earth.

What do you really wish for? What kind of world do you want to live in? What would make you happiest? What would fill you with ease, joy and enthusiasm? Soak in your own divine essence, bathe in it, and when you feel the rainbow sparks of joy and your beautiful visions, sprinkle them on the world around you. New doors will open for you, the right people will recognize you, you will see more and more miracles in your life. Living your essence is very contagious and attractive. It will make us all very happy.

The Arcturians

I went with my friend Miki to our favourite place with a beautiful view, to spend our time in the nature, to talk, relax and enjoy the summer flair. It was a mesmerizing sunset, the sunlight drew our attention over and over again. The talking was not important in the moment, the magic was. It was golden, fresh, happy, alive, I enjoyed every minute of it. It made me so happy to see the sun once again, and that it was warm, summerish, opening, so so nice!

We noticed two clouds in the sky, just above the setting sun. They kept the shape and didn´t melt in the wind like the other ones, they became more and more visible and firm. The bigger cloud was very fluffy, had a very specific structure and in the middle was a stripe of light, like in an austrian doughnut. I had to look at it manytimes during our conversation. Miki said it too – there´s something about it! I asked it/them – would you give us some signs, please, will you?

Suddenly, just after the sunset, as the light went off, the cloud looked just like a regular cloud. It had no special energy. But as the sky got dark and the first stars appeared, the cloud got bigger again and very visible, not moving away from its original spot.

author: unknown

We had a nice fiery conversation about family lineage, karma and ancestral healing and suddenly we were starting to see flying objects in the sky. And because it is hard to recognize if it´s a satellite or a spaceship, we asked for more proof – lightning, energy, message…

And we got it all. Some of them blinked, one was talking to Miki and gave us a message, a few sent us an amazing heart healing energy.

Miki started to sing an overtone to channel and reflect their vibration. I felt my heart opening like a big deep portal and their energy flowing through me, to give me lots of information and healing for my human self. Streams of tears flew from my eyes as I felt their beautiful energy. I recognized them!

When Miki was finished, I asked her who they were. She said, the Arcturians. We discussed a little and Miki suggested to sing together a thank you song for them. I´ve never tried it before, but it was as natural as breathing. Miki is the perfect teacher of channeling for me. It was so beautiful, harmonious, relaxed, connected. After a moment of silence, we opened our eyes.

author: Miki Arai

We saw few ships flying out of “our” magical cloud. And more and more were coming. I was stunned. It was amazing! They came out of nowhere, some of them brightly shining, some of them less, flying in a different distance from each other, and disappearing after some kilometers afterwards…

Miki said, it was mostly the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians. We were vibrating with the wonderful high energy and heart connection. There was nothing more left to say. We are connected. We are one. We all are on a mission. There is just a higher purpose and love. Thank you. We love you.

The Cat and mouse game

Being a victim actually doesn´t have to mean being a victim. The power game runs on both sides. Victim role often hides manipulation, blackmailing, hidden aggression, abuse, SM tendencies,…. My teacher calls it big attachment to drama and polarity. Victim sometimes seeks this role and receives rewards for playing this (sometimes theatrical) part – love, attention, sympathy, time, compassion. People, who don´t know how to own their own power, play the victim role to receive the energy from the others. Great compatible buddies are for them the martyrs and saviors. The best enemies are the aggressors.

Victims are often not aware that they abuse other people the “same” way how they are being abused by the aggressors. They use all their power to be weak and needy of help, depressed, isolated (”I´m alone on everything, I can´t anymore”).

To realize this pattern in ourselves cost a lot of courage and clear self-reflection. It hurts a lot. It brings up wild emotions. It takes a lot of previous suffering and desperation, to the point when we can´t anymore, and we just have to change. Those accumulated emotions help the process tremendously. The emotional body bursts, crashes, and the released energy helps to reset, heal and reprogram the system. With lot of conscious practice we are then slowly able to change our behavior, reactions on triggers, mindsets and then life.

This is the most rewarding thing in the relationship. Beginning of the transformational process is rough and we do it with tightly pressed teeth, but the expansion on the way is indescribably satisfying. Siiiiigh.

Powerjourney to India 2019

I was blessed to attend a group power journey through India with my best friends. As an outsider I didn´t truly understand the meaning of power journeys. But the more I travel and visit various power spots, the more I get a grasp of what a blessing it is. Visiting the same place after some time with different awareness and consciousness is like visiting it anew. The experience always shakes with my being, my rusty habits, my laziness, my heart, it awakens my soul and corrects my direction, it fills me with huge light and makes me shine. What is it that makes me shine?

Shiva Sai Mandir, Penukonda ashram

It´s the energy of the holy places, of ancient temples with hidden priceless treasures. Many indian temples have huge divine energy, you can´t miss it. Holy statues and objects of deities are worshipped every day for centuries and carry unbelievable energy, consciousness and power. To receive such energy by visiting this place and offering something for the puja is a big blessing. It reminds the soul of it´s truth, of who we are and what we had forgotten. Of our connection to such place, energies, experiences.

We are often drawn to a place where we lived before. Where is an important information for us, what activate us for our purpose. It´s like an alarm for an appointment which you didn’t know you have. But your soul knows. This is deeply satisfying. If you feel it, feel the calling, listen to it. Explore where your soul wants to lead you. Don´t ignore it. It´s a big waste of time.

The duality on the Earth

Are you wondering that so many things in this world went wrong and need to change? Do you feel powerless? I did too. But unless we change our approach inside, nothing can change on the outside, however we wish it.

We influence EVERYTHING with our vibration, attitude, belief system, emotional state – the whole world around us. If I´m not happy about something, I have to act – change my vibrational state to be in the alignment with my soul/the Divine; act upon my wish and make a difference; change my habits; unite with my friends to start a new project. Anything what can lead to manifestation of my wish.

But most important is to change the attitude and belief system. If you are not satisfied and just criticize, nag, complain, blame, it´s not going to help you. It´s not going to help anybody. The biggest success you can achieve with happiness, fulfillment, joy, excitement, gratitude. These high vibrations do miracles and are seen easily. This is contagious. Everybody is longing for these energies.

Start with yourself. Inspire others. Live your joy. Share your joy. Dance in the flow.