Powerjourney to India 2019

I was blessed to attend a group power journey through India with my best friends. As an outsider I didn´t truly understand the meaning of power journeys. But the more I travel and visit various power spots, the more I get a grasp of what a blessing it is. Visiting the same place after some time with different awareness and consciousness is like visiting it anew. The experience always shakes with my being, my rusty habits, my laziness, my heart, it awakens my soul and corrects my direction, it fills me with huge light and makes me shine. What is it that makes me shine?

Shiva Sai Mandir, Penukonda ashram

It´s the energy of the holy places, of ancient temples with hidden priceless treasures. Many indian temples have huge divine energy, you can´t miss it. Holy statues and objects of deities are worshipped every day for centuries and carry unbelievable energy, consciousness and power. To receive such energy by visiting this place and offering something for the puja is a big blessing. It reminds the soul of it´s truth, of who we are and what we had forgotten. Of our connection to such place, energies, experiences.

We are often drawn to a place where we lived before. Where is an important information for us, what activate us for our purpose. It´s like an alarm for an appointment which you didn’t know you have. But your soul knows. This is deeply satisfying. If you feel it, feel the calling, listen to it. Explore where your soul wants to lead you. Don´t ignore it. It´s a big waste of time.

The duality on the Earth

Are you wondering that so many things in this world went wrong and need to change? Do you feel powerless? I did too. But unless we change our approach inside, nothing can change on the outside, however we wish it.

We influence EVERYTHING with our vibration, attitude, belief system, emotional state – the whole world around us. If I´m not happy about something, I have to act – change my vibrational state to be in the alignment with my soul/the Divine; act upon my wish and make a difference; change my habits; unite with my friends to start a new project. Anything what can lead to manifestation of my wish.

But most important is to change the attitude and belief system. If you are not satisfied and just criticize, nag, complain, blame, it´s not going to help you. It´s not going to help anybody. The biggest success you can achieve with happiness, fulfillment, joy, excitement, gratitude. These high vibrations do miracles and are seen easily. This is contagious. Everybody is longing for these energies.

Start with yourself. Inspire others. Live your joy. Share your joy. Dance in the flow.

Movement – quake – awakening

When you feel lost, when you don´t know who you are anymore, when you lost your inspiration, you have to come to the point “do or die”. To take all the power you have and really truly want to ride the highway of your soul. No more dark side paths of lingering.

You have to want it with all your being, even if you are depressed or don´t know how to start. Then really magic of life happens. Then comes something or someone into your life which moves you. Moves and shakes you that you wake up and gain a new perspective, it opens new door.

It works everytime. Don´t worry about hows and whens. Don´t worry at all. Just long for the light. Work on regaining your innocence, purity, curiosity and passion. When you manage to activate your inner fire, when you live what you love, what excites you, you raise your vibration, you do more what is your soul purpose, you are on the good track.

You have to feel alive. You have to feel purposeful. You have to share your divine gifts. It´s so very needed in this world.

Channeling and healing with Miki and Shakuna from the Pleiades

I had an amazing session with my friend Miki yesterday. From time to time I need help with my transformational symptoms, to relieve my body and to renew the energy flow in my whole system. The purification and energetic upgrades are lately really challenging for me, so I was very open and grateful to receive her assistance.


At the beginning I asked for a channeling. Miki is an excellent channel for the divine guides, angels and galactic family, and she is a pure conduit for their messages and energies. It is always very beneficial and enlightening to work with her. I felt since few days that somebody in the ethers wants to speak to me and I should receive a timely message.

Miki´s pleiadian guide – Shakuna – came forth, and gave me very profound energy healing for my body and chakras. I felt almost immediate release of old negative survival energies, emotions, and fear. I felt stronger my emotions from my childhood and physical symptoms which are bothering me since four years – tension, pain, heaviness, contraction and irritation. I felt and saw clearly my own blocks, limitations, and how much they are crippling and influencing my body. Shakuna´s healing was like a miracle… She was working on me and Miki was simultaneously channeling her message for me. I went in a strong trance state while receiving the blessings. I felt soon much better, relieved, lighter, relaxed, and charged with so much energy. My body was made of dozens of sparkling whirls and I was just observing and feeling the flow. It was heavenly.

The messages I received shook me very much and were resonating with my intuition, I was happy to have their confirmation of my inner process. I´m working consciously on this subject since maybe one year, but they reassured me to put much more effort in it. And explained me the connection between my resistance, self-made protection, diseases, my spiritual development and manifestation.

After the session I was suddenly so flexible in my spine – which is connected with the release of emotions and negative energy from the heart chakra. I felt that the energy is finally moving freely again, my body was energized, relaxed, flexible, lighter.

I understood how much is the human negative thinking influencing our posture, breathing, health, aging. We literally create our diseases just by being negative – fearful, complaining, judging, suspecting, being in victimhood, giving up, focusing on what bothers us, blaming the outside… Everything creates a tension, contraction, blockage.

Shakuna explained us that there is more than 360° how to perceive/see every situation. We choose like robots the negative, we are tuned to a very narrow range of perception, and it mirrors then how are we (not) able to appreciate life, lessons, people. We automatically react negatively and therefore we create contraction, limitation, and more negativity. For our life and for our body.

When we reprogram this and make our perception wider and train ourselves not to react negatively, it´s going to raise our vibration, make the purification/transformation easier and faster, expand the consciousness wider and heal our whole sickness – of the body and mind. We should train ourselves to tune into higher more positive range, same like when we tune our radio.

I guess you read it as me a dozen times, but this time I really understood it, I experienced it viscerally. It helps, I tell you. 😀

I can help you with this body purification and releasing the contraction, with renewing the energy flow in your body, I´m developing my specific magical technique and my approach since few years. But to experience this via long distance energy healing and download from the E.T. beings was really cool. 😀 C´mon! If you are interested, contact my friend Miki. I highly recommend her.


Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful one in the world?

The sparkly sentence „what you don´t like on others is just a reflection of yourself” is really true. But one needs to be ready to face it.

photo: Peter Pavlik

This magical enlightening moment came for me ca 4 years ago, when I was finally ready to start to realize, how many self-created illusions and false self-belief I was carrying. Oh God! The deep healing of my inner child started. I was postponing it so many years, I didn´t want to look at it, I didn´t want to admit that I have those ugly emotions inside of me. It was quite a furious period, I have to say. I have to laugh out loud now, as I picture it.

Yes, the blocks are ugly – negatively judging other people, self justification, greed, doubts, fear, low self confidence, manipulation, jealousy, possessiveness, pretending to be what we are not… It doesn´t matter, if we aggressively demand recognition and approval from others, or go in the passivity of the victimhood, self pity, depression. It is horrible and drives us all nuts. But it is our heritage and task on the planet to transform it in ourselves and in the collective consciousness, to raise our vibration, to raise above the lower human level, and to transmute our being into our higher healed purified self. We are much more than we see, than we admit, than we believe.

I (slowly) learned to see the value of every situation, every challenge, every “injustice”, every unpleasant encounter… It is a jewel telling me something crucial. I can now clearer recognize my limitation, pain, belief – which I need to change. I don´t judge myself anymore for how I feel. I (everybody) can always shift more and more to love, acceptance, compassion. I can´t afford not to be honest and blind to myself anymore. To ignore my shadow half doesn´t make anything easier. To push people with power and prove them wrong doesn´t make anything nicer. The only sense makes love, compassion, unity, respect, freedom, cooperation, kindness.

We can do it, together.

Everything has it´s own timing

You can´t rush your life. You can´t push, when do you meet your true partner, when do you reach enlightenment, when do you master your blocks, when do you achieve this and that.

Everything has its right timing. Everything is aligned with your soul purpose and soul´s vibration. Everything is already here, even if you can´t see it. The whole Universe is working on that. Everything is on move towards you and from you.

To focus on what it is not here is waste of time and is blocking the divine flow. Creation is working out of joy, love, excitement, passion, life. Fear and expectation is a contraction, and the manifestation can´t work there.

If you want to create, you „have to“ enjoy your life. 🙂

Music will shoot you into the Universe

A very easy way to raise your energy is music. Listening to music, dancing, composing, singing… feeling it´s vibrations, tones, letting yourself be enraptured, caressed, being in the present moment, feeling it in your whole being.

Music is nourishment for all our levels, it connects us in a jiff to the higher spheres, to joy, inspiration, excitement, passion, life. Music bypasses the ever controlling mind and reaches the heart directly. It animates again our inspiration. It opens without asking the door to our secret chamber and lets a lot of light and life in.

Search for artists who celebrate life, not death and slavery of this world. Seek new visions, love, joy, pure hearts, togetherness. Search for the new ways. Search for the energy which brings you to life, which doesn´t make you dull or keeps you imprisoned. Dance. Let your heart dance and your soul fly freely.

They need it.

As an inspiration I´m sharing a song of my favourite singer Maggie Rogers. She´s awesome.

How can I recognize my life´s purpose?

How to find your dharma, when you have no idea what to do with your life? It seems to be the most difficult thing in the life, but it´s not. We have it often right in front of our noses, but we don´t dare to believe it.

Sörg, Sörgerwirt, https://www.soergerwirt.at/
Sörg, Sörgerwirt, https://www.soergerwirt.at/

Each of us has a certain talent, something where we are good at and what is our nature, but because of our upbringing and profession we simply don´t do it, we ignore it = we ignore ourselves.
We ignore the godsend, what we could do miracles with, which would fulfill us and which would pour pure fire into our veins. By ignoring it we are slowly killing ourselves, as my teacher says.
The easiest and most important is to follow our heart, our passion. To pursue those activities which are bringing us those feelings. The more energy and time we are taking for them, the more outcome we experience. Whatever it is – painting, dance, sport, working with people, meditation, studies, travelling… The law of attraction works miraculously reliably and step by step there will be new doors opening for us, new possibilities, meetings with the right people, discovering our other talents.
We will have many opportunities to overcome our own shadows and to step out of the comfort zone, overcome fear and self doubts. It is necessary, otherwise we won´t ever see what is beyond that wall, which we built ourselves. What is really hidden in us. What amazing things we are truly capable of. How intense joy and satisfaction we can have from our own work. How we can connect with other people and create the world, which we were always dreaming of. How much we can feel alive. How much we can be grateful for our life.
And this is worth all of those abandoned comfort zones.