Oneness and the new Earth

I was sitting in a meditation on my favorite magical spot and thinking, how grateful I am for all the

ancient indian knowledge which I was able to study and practise and use in many aspect of my life. Since the first moment of getting to know the mantras I was struck like by lightning and felt deep resonance, even though my mind was able to catch hardly few thousandths from it´s depth.

I enjoy meditation with mantras with all my being and discover more and more their benefits, healing powers, activation and empowerment.

I thought about the information I read few days ago, that all of our spiritual jewels and teachings known to human kind originates from many star nations – masters of healing, manifestation and transformation by sound and which practised these techniques hundreds of thousands/millions of years ago. It is fascinating to me, how amazing possibilities are now opening to us, which techniques and informations we have and can use for the global or individual benefit. I´m starting to understand more how we are all connected on much higher levels that we are used to think. Everything what an individual does and creates influences the whole planet, nature, collective consciousness, and through the DNA activation and transmutation also other nations in our Universe. We are getting out of the painful contraction of kaliyuga into an inhale and expansion, where we vaguely start to remember the true greatness of our soul, the unity and oneness from which we got mentally separated, the incredibly exciting possibilities of being which we can create.

I was flooded with a wave of gratitude and silent joy, I enjoyed the connection with the nature around me, the electrifying touch of my feet on the ground, the waves of joy spreading from my heart in all directions and penetrating the trees and bushes around me, the reaction of nature to my energy… I felt like in a sea of waves, playing with each other, creating new designs.

Suddenly I turned around and saw a couple of ducks which are often guests of this place. Mrs. Duck is very resolute and fearless, was coming straight to me, and Mr. Duck was rushing behind her to protect her. They both saw me, but without any hesitation or fear came directly to me, missing me in about 20 cm (we´ve never been so close sofar). They stopped at the beginning of the slope to a gorge. Mrs. Duck chose her place exactly, where she wanted to stand (next to a freshly planted rose bush), and she just stand calm and looking to right and left. Mr. Duck was lurking to me and checking my moves. I was feeling a strong connection with this unfolding event, with them and with the nature around us, it was a remarkable moment. Mrs. suddenly spread her wings and they flew to a little pond behind the gorge. They left behind certain intense palpable presence of something, which I couldn´t identify, but later I got it.

It was the energy of the new Earth – 5D Earth. I´m getting flashes of energetical experiences sometimes “as if I´m already there”, and this couple mediated it to me full time. I understood that this joy, open heart, oneness and feeling the Earth with my whole being I can have anytime. EVERYTHING is already here. I just need to align with it, raise my vibes and let go off the focus on “the problem” (discomfort, impatiens, pain, blocks, basically 3D…). This experience helps me very much in letting go and destroying my own mind jail. Cause “one has problems only when they think of them” (please read between the lines).

 This moment reminded me even more intensely how important is not to judge people/situations from how they seem on the outside. Because those ducks are no ducks. 😀


Monkey mind and relaxation during big leap upgrades

The last three weeks, as the energy was rising and squeezing us up to 5th of May, I feel my cells in the body vibrate, dance, wiggle and set free from those old shackles. It´s not any gracious dance at all, I have to say. 😀 It is hard for me to relax on the physical and mental level, the body feels like in energetical labour pains. I´d compare it to this dance:

That´s why I put my focus in my morning meditation on relaxation and dove into my “serious” mind relaxation for the first time. I wasn´t very successful in the past, some days were just better and some worse. But I´ve decided to take charge few days ago. I was concentrating on my breath, relaxed my whole body, focused on my head for a while and simply let go off all thoughts. It felt like draining the sink. It was an immediate relief and energetic opening. Suddenly I was able to feel much softer perceptions, messages, beings helping me in my process.


  1. One reason why we can´t control our mind and focus easily, why we have strange and disturbing visions and thoughts is a big leap in collective consciousness which initiates a turbulent process of purification. The date 5th of May was a strong culmination of few weeks energy rising, which caused a mass relase of old 3D rooted programs, thought forms and negative energies (being released in the transformation) from the collective field. Sensitive people can often feel it and it disturbes their balance. I felt strong shaking in the body (mostly abdominal area), dizziness and other symptoms, as were all the bodies cleansed. In this phase is the best advice to take plenty of rest, be in the nature a lot, and give up on using logical mind. 😀 It will go away in few days up to two weeks. The physical body is releasing toxins and old energies which don´t serve us anymore, the light body infuses it with high cosmic vibrations, and the whole process of healing and regeneration needs time and peace. We need to respect and honor it and give ourselves everything we need.
  2. We received high positive energy and our ego is resisting the transformation. Sometimes one doesn´t feel ready for the changes which is Universe guiding them into, and so their defence mechanism prevails – tendency to slip down into the lower program/pattern of behaviour. It can be anger, stubborness, panic, feeling of a blocked mind which doesn´t allow to make choices, etc.

When we are in a capture of strong emotions, we can unlikely manage the situation in a new manner. Often we need to experience it many times until we are done with it. Then a “small apocalypse of ego” happens which facilitates a catharsis and we simply give up/let go, or we get an idea – why am I doing it every time when I can do it differently? And it launches a reprogramming process of our old pattern and from that point is making changes much easier.

It is important to be aware of your own reactions, self-sabotaging behaviour and weak points where we tend to escape into “autopilot”. Then you partly won. Next thing you need is self-discipline, self-love and constant relaxed self-observation. (No stress – imagine your higher self to sit under a parasol, drinking Aperol and gently showing you your cute flaws.) And each time when you notice your tendency to go down, you can choose to go up. 🙂

Each small success brings a big satisfaction, confidence and empowerment, it has a big impact on the whole energy level and manifestation. <3